Eton Academy: The Gateway for Accredited Homeschooling by Cambridge Assessment

Your child deserves a better future, and nothing can help them change and improve quite like a high quality education that meets international standards....

STD & STI Testing In Turkey: Tips and Advice

Turkey is one of the few countries in the world where the rate of HIV/AIDS cases has been increasing in the past decade. Despite...

Renter’s Rights in Turkey: How Much Can a Landlord Raise the...

Rent increases are an unpleasant but inevitable part of adult life. However, as rent prices have spiked by an unprecedented degree over the past...

Notting Hill Turkey: Learn Turkish to Explore a Fascinating Culture and...

Learn Turkish, to explore a very interesting culture while living in Turkey and get integrated easily in the Turkish community. Notting Hill Turkey is providing...

Get Your Residence Permit in 10 (Somewhat) Easy Steps

Editor's Note: This piece was first published in 2015, and was most recently updated in May of 2022. Important Note: The Covid-19 pandemic had a...

University & Erasmus Student Open Call: Join the Yabangee Events &...

Every semester, Yabangee looks to connect with university students to collaborate on their event calendar. These volunteer positions are largely flexible and depend on...

Guide to Registering Utilities in Istanbul

So you’ve found somewhere to live in the urban jungle of Istanbul – congratulations! Opening utility accounts is not that difficult but can be...

Off In The Direction Of Tarabya (Poem)

cold, dark, eerie leather soles staccato along pavements avoiding cracks and stray van İstanbul becalmed, again street lamps whisper through hüzün diesel engines growl like kangal buses ready to depart north...

Escapist: Real Escape Room Fun for English Speakers in Istanbul

I'd be hard pressed to think of a more wholesome group activity I've taken part in these last few years, than when a group...

Aliens On The Minibus (Poem)

“İnek var!” an alien called to the driver. “İnek mi var?” I replied to her great surprise then suddenly as if by pure magic inek appeared in...

Notting Hill College Turkey: Learn Turkish & English to Find Valuable...

Start the new year by learning and practicing the Turkish language with Notting Hill College Turkey, while easily becoming integrated in the Turkish community...

“Longing for Istanbul”: An Expat’s Love Letter to the City of...

Longing for Istanbul doubles as a sociological reflection on modernization processes in Turkish culture and a personal memoir that articulates what it means to...

Archaeology Spotlight: In Conversation with Archaeologist Dr. Asil Yaman, director of...

Phoenix Ancient City near present day Taşlıca lies far from the touristic bustle of Marmaris. This semi-isolated site is a treasure trove of archaic...

Speech Bubbles School of Performing Arts: The Creative Hub for Children...

We all know that Istanbul has a plethora of activities for foreigners. Whether it's concerts, stand-up shows, spoken word events, or even trivia nights!...

Archaeology Spotlight: In Conversation with Professor/Dr. Mehmet Gürbüzer of Amos Ancient...

2021 marked the first official season of legal excavations in Amos Ancient City near Marmaris, Muğla. This ancient settlement dates back to roughly 3,000...

TIYYD: Building a Better Tomorrow for Refugees

What’s left behind becomes a faded memory, one that will be carried long distances no matter how tough it gets. Life becomes what’s packed...

Fires Across Turkey: Relief Organizations You Can Support

We recently made an open call to our community for suggestions and have since compiled a list of organizations that are currently taking part...

Kurban Bayramı: A Guide to “Sacrifice Feast” in Istanbul

If you are a fellow yabangee and have been noticing pictures of cattle hanging around in the streets lately, don’t worry. You haven’t stumbled...

In Conversation with SABO on “Time Machine” – (Versus Art Project)

Versus Art Project is hosting a new exhibition from artist SABO entitled "Time Machine" from Thursday 3 June through Saturday 10 July. Based on...

Introducing Childbirth Preparation in English with Ayşegül Boz Baltacı

Ayşegül Boz Baltacı is an educator and a doula for expectant families who are looking for birth education and doula support in English. Trained with...

Guide to Keto and Low-carb Dieting in Istanbul

What is a keto diet? What is a low-carb diet? A keto (ketogenic) diet is where you are restricted to consuming a maximum of (typically)...

Five Must-Visit Istanbul Streets After Coronavirus

Walk. Breathe. Eat. Drink. Consume. Repeat. Wasn’t life nice and easy in Istanbul before coronavirus? We didn’t realize how fortunate we were back then. Thankfully,...

How to Get a HES Code and Link an Istanbulkart

As of 15 January 2021, an Istanbulkart (used predominantly for public transportation within the city) will need to be linked to a HES (Hayat...

Appealing a Residence Permit Rejection in Turkey

The residence permit application process in Turkey is an ever-changing and often complicated process. While we stand by the belief that a thoroughly compiled...