Playing Tourist in Istanbul: Where to Find Peaceful and Relaxing Spots
When my family and I moved to Istanbul back in 2001, I had to convince others that Turkey was one of the most underrated...
Life Hack: Trafi Türkiye App
About a year ago, Yabangee featured a review of some mobile apps that can help you get around and navigate Istanbul’s often confusing public...
Renting a Flat in Istanbul: A Basic Guide to Accommodation
Renting a flat in Istanbul can be a stressful, intimidating experience - especially for first-timers. There's a lot to take into account and if...
First-Time Residence Permit in Türkiye Guide: Essentials to Know for your...
Thinking of staying in Türkiye for a while and want to file a first-time residence permit application? That's lovely to hear! Before getting too...
3, 2, 1, Let’s Run Istanbul!
I am one of those people who never liked running. When I was younger I hated even the thought of it. After I moved to...
A List and Map of Consulates and Embassies in Turkey
Turkey maintains strong foreign relations with most countries around the world, and many have dedicated missions to foster diplomatic relationships and provide services to...
9 Tips to Know Before Visiting a Turkish Home
One day, after having heard our neighbor's son practicing his guitar almost daily, I went to her door and asked in piecemeal Turkish if...
My Big Fat Turkish Wedding Dress: An Istanbul Guide
If I knew then what I know now:
Which neighborhood has the best, cheapest or most fashionable dresses? How much should I pay? Should I...
20 Skills Every Yabancı in Istanbul Should Have
To be a true yabancı, there are certain skills you have to master...
1. Become a teaholic. Drinking copious amounts of black tea is an...
12 Cool Places to Study in Galata Neighborhood
Galata is a beautiful neighborhood in the apex of Beyoğlu district. It used to be a sanctuary for Turkey’s Greek, Armenian, Italian and Jewish...
7 Best First Date Destinations in Istanbul
Whether it leads to a lasting romance or a cool new friendship, we all get excited about the synergy we might feel on a...
Living Abroad Blues: Coping with Loneliness
When I first moved to Istanbul in 2016, I too experienced loneliness. After all, I was a foreigner in a new country, who did...
Residence Permit Health Insurance – Our Quick, Easy and Affordable Application...
If you've landed here, you're likely in need of health insurance for your residence permit application. We've partnered up with an insurance provider to...
Hunting for Records in Istanbul, Part 2: Kadıköy
In the first part of this series, I spent the day browsing through Beyoğlu’s record shops. A few days later, once the gloomy weather had...
Istanbul on a Budget: Free Culture, Art, & History Offerings
To which public places can we go to, if we do not want to spend any money at all? At first, it seems like...
A Guide to Istanbul Earthquake Preparedness
With all the disturbing events in the news recently, it is easy to forget the more mundane, boring threats of life: pickpockets in Taksim,...
Buying a House in Turkey – Who, Where and When? (Part...
So, you’ve been in Turkey for a while and decided that it might make sense to buy a home or maybe you have your...
Guide to Registering Utilities in Istanbul
So you’ve found somewhere to live in the urban jungle of Istanbul – congratulations! Opening utility accounts is not that difficult but can be...
Giving Birth in Turkey: Choosing the Right Obstetrician
You are pregnant, congratulations! This is most probably the happiest moment of your life, enjoy it for a second! But not too long, because...
Student Life: 8 Tips to Live in Istanbul on a Student...
Is living on a budget a choice or an obligation? In my case, unfortunately, it had to be an obligation. I’ve moved to Istanbul...
Survival Guide: Living Gluten-Free in Istanbul
Gluten is made up of two proteins, Gliadin that gives the baked good the ability to rise during baking and Glutenin which makes the...
A Guide to Volunteering In Istanbul
Every single day you spend with a person to make their day better, every moment of teaching someone something new, every step you take...
Getting to the Airport: More Than One Way to Getaway
Going on weekend getaways is one of the perks of living in Istanbul. The Mediterranean sun is just a hop, skip and a jump...
The World is a Square: A Briefing on the History and...
With its own attraction and magic this game seems to appear everywhere, may it be in the çay evi or at home, tavla is...