Welcome to Istanbul: An Orientation Guide for Moving to & Living...
So you've decided to move to Istanbul. Hoş geldiniz and congrats on a fantastic decision! We're confident you'll love it here just as much...
12 Cool Places to Study in Galata Neighborhood
Galata is a beautiful neighborhood in the apex of Beyoğlu district. It used to be a sanctuary for Turkey’s Greek, Armenian, Italian and Jewish...
Ten Great Podcasts For Your Istanbul Commute
We live in a great time to be stuck in traffic! Especially if you live in Istanbul, you’ve been given the greatest gifts of...
An Expat’s Guide to Hamams
Sometimes the grit and grime and non-stop pace of the city just get overwhelming. You need a break from the packed Metrobus and the...
Be Earthquake Ready in Istanbul
It’s the kind of story that sweeps down the gossip chain, becoming so popular that it morphs into an urban legend. The tale retold whenever...
Buying a Home in Turkey – Finding the Right Price (Part...
So, you’ve been in Turkey for a while and decided that it might make sense to buy a home or maybe you have your...
Eating Istanbul: Vegetarian and Vegan Friendly Food
As a vegetarian or vegan, by now you may have realized that Turkish people love their meat! Walking through the city you’ll see families...
Choosing a Housekeeper and/or Nanny in Istanbul
All of us - single or in relationships, with or without kids - need help at home from time to time. It can be...
Get Your Residence Permit in 10 (Somewhat) Easy Steps
Editor's Note: This piece was first published in 2015, and was most recently updated in May of 2022.
Important Note: The Covid-19 pandemic had a...
Tax Season Approacheth: Tips for U.S. Expats
It was 2014, when I realized that the last time that I had filed taxes was the year that George W Bush decided he...
9 Tips to Know Before Visiting a Turkish Home
One day, after having heard our neighbor's son practicing his guitar almost daily, I went to her door and asked in piecemeal Turkish if...
A Guide to Adopting Street Animals in Turkey
As an animal lover, one of my favorite aspects of life in Turkey can also be one of the most challenging: seeing cats and...
Compulsory Earthquake Insurance in Turkey – Quick, Easy, Affordable Price Quote
If you've dealt with purchasing property at all in Turkey, it's likely you've been informed that having earthquake insurance in Turkey is compulsory. Considering...
10 podcasts to help you beat the Istanbul commute
If you’re anything like me, or the average Istanbul resident, you probably spend a larger percentage of your life commuting than you’d like to...
Nine Tips for Biking in Istanbul
Although Istanbul is not really a bike-friendly city, nor it does have a vibrant biking culture, it is still a good idea to buy...
The Ultimate List of European Restaurants & Cafes in Istanbul
Expat life can get dull, eating the same kind of food every single day. The lack of foreign food in a cosmopolite city like...
7 Best First Date Destinations in Istanbul
Whether it leads to a lasting romance or a cool new friendship, we all get excited about the synergy we might feel on a...
Seven Organic, Health Food, and Exotic Markets in Istanbul
When I first came to Turkey six years ago for a vacation, one of the first things that enamored me was the food. The...
Buying a House in Turkey – Who, Where and When? (Part...
So, you’ve been in Turkey for a while and decided that it might make sense to buy a home or maybe you have your...
A Guide to Online Shopping in Turkey
If you have a nine to five job and a lot of responsibilities to handle, you might prefer to stay in after work or...
8 study spots in Beyoğlu
The end of this semester is approaching quickly. Along with it, come final projects, papers, tests, presentations, and a number of other things, which...
Living Abroad Blues: Coping with Loneliness
When I first moved to Istanbul in 2016, I too experienced loneliness. After all, I was a foreigner in a new country, who did...
Who Runs this City? – Daily Istanbul Running Activities
Who rules Istanbul? If you have been here for longer than a day, you already know the answer is obvious: CATS. They are everywhere...
3, 2, 1, Let’s Run Istanbul!
I am one of those people who never liked running. When I was younger I hated even the thought of it. After I moved to...