How to Survive the Metrobüs Experience in Istanbul

“Metrobüs” is a word whispered in dark corners of the yabangee community in İstanbul. So what is this so called Metrobüs? How does it...

Tax Season Approacheth: Tips for U.S. Expats

It was 2014, when I realized that the last time that I had filed taxes was the year that George W Bush decided he...

Introducing: English Legal Support in Turkey via Yabangee

An unfortunate reality of simply being a foreigner living abroad is that certain aspects of one's life are inherently more complicated. From getting one's...

Life Hack: Trafi Türkiye App

About a year ago, Yabangee featured a review of some mobile apps that can help you get around and navigate Istanbul’s often confusing public...

Renting a Flat in Istanbul: A Basic Guide to Accommodation

Renting a flat in Istanbul can be a stressful, intimidating experience - especially for first-timers. There's a lot to take into account and if...

First-Time Residence Permit in Türkiye Guide: Essentials to Know for your...

Thinking of staying in Türkiye for a while and want to file a first-time residence permit application? That's lovely to hear! Before getting too...

3, 2, 1, Let’s Run Istanbul!

I am one of those people who never liked running. When I was younger I hated even the thought of it. After I moved to...

A List and Map of Consulates and Embassies in Turkey

Turkey maintains strong foreign relations with most countries around the world, and many have dedicated missions to foster diplomatic relationships and provide services to...

9 Tips to Know Before Visiting a Turkish Home

One day, after having heard our neighbor's son practicing his guitar almost daily, I went to her door and asked in piecemeal Turkish if...

My Big Fat Turkish Wedding Dress: An Istanbul Guide

If I knew then what I know now: Which neighborhood has the best, cheapest or most fashionable dresses? How much should I pay? Should I...

20 Skills Every Yabancı in Istanbul Should Have

To be a true yabancı, there are certain skills you have to master... 1. Become a teaholic. Drinking copious amounts of black tea is an...

12 Cool Places to Study in Galata Neighborhood

Galata is a beautiful neighborhood in the apex of Beyoğlu district. It used to be a sanctuary for Turkey’s Greek, Armenian, Italian and Jewish...

7 Best First Date Destinations in Istanbul

Whether it leads to a lasting romance or a cool new friendship, we all get excited about the synergy we might feel on a...

Living Abroad Blues: Coping with Loneliness

When I first moved to Istanbul in 2016, I too experienced loneliness. After all, I was a foreigner in a new country, who did...