Black Cats and Slippers: Turkish Superstitions

The first time I visited a Turkish home, I got perplexed upon hearing the phrase ”Don’t walk barefoot, you’ll get a stomach ache.” Have you ever heard this before? Well, welcome to Turkish superstitions, you are in for a treat!

There are many superstitions on all kinds of topics and although most of these are not unique to just Turkey, there are a surprising number of variations, ranging from basic things like knocking on wood to more complicated things like passing under a rainbow.

Perhaps the most commonly believed (or at least treasured) superstitious belief is nazar, meaning “evil eye” – a look given, usually out of jealousy or malice, that ends up bringing bad fortune to the recipient. Nazar is a word derived from Arabic meaning “to see” and a nazar boncuğu is an amulet which is supposed to protect the holder against the “evil eye”. For example, it is believed that if you are complimented a lot, something bad can befall you because of nazar. In Arabic culture, it isn’t uncommon to say someone was hit with the evil eye. So when you buy that new iPhone you’ve been saving up for, make sure to have one of the beads handy!

Just like in any culture, there are many superstitions surrounding marriage and pregnancy. For example, whoever a pregnant woman looks at the most during her pregnancy, her baby will look like them. If a pregnant woman craves sweet food during her pregnancy, the belief goes that she will have a son and if she craves sour food, she will have a daughter. If a man consumes a lot of lemons before intercourse, the baby will be a girl.

There is little known about how these superstitions came to life, but just in case, walk into your Turkish friend’s house with your right foot first. There are some older superstitions that everything should be done or at least started with the right, as they associate the right hand and foot with goodness and the other with evil. If you have an itch on your right palm, start that online shopping spree because you’re getting some money. If your left palm itches though, watch that savings account because you will lose money. Likewise, if your right ear rings, someone is talking good about you and if the left one rings review what you’ve done because someone is bad mouthing you. Some people are also very careful to always receive money with their right hand and give it the same way, we don’t want any bad luck here!

When night time rolls around, so do the slippers. So if you hear a dog howl at night beware of the impending doom, but just a quick twist of your slippers (reverse their position) and you should be alright! If the dogs keep howling and bothering you, there’s always the option of sticking a knife in wood to make them stop. Also don’t cut your nails at night, as that’s just asking for bad luck.

Of course we can’t talk about nighttime superstitions without mentioning the unspeakable word that makes people shudder with fear: “Cin”. The “Cin” is basically the evil form of a “pixie” or a “fairy” and many, many superstitions are built around them. So just in case, don’t whistle outside at night or in graveyards because you might be summoning the devil. Also try to avoid pouring hot water or urinating outside, because you don’t want to hurt a Cin by mistake.

If you leave the house immediately after taking a shower, you’ll catch a nasty cold, despite scientists not really explaining that one yet. If a dear friend of yours sets out for a journey don’t be stingy, pour some water behind them so their journey will flow easily. Ironically if you see a water puddle on the street, you don’t want to step in that because that could be a demon’s urine!

Like in many cultures, black cats are obviously a big no no! If you see a black cat either change your path, touch something black, or touch your hair. If you’re feeling extra superstitious that day, you can spit three times over your right shoulder for some extra protection. But if a snake crosses your path, then it’s good luck for you all the way.

And here is a nifty little life-hack: you want something to come true? Just say it 40 times and it’ll happen. The number 40 is considered to be a specifically lucky number. If you’re feeling lazy however, just find two people with the same name and sit between them to make a wish.

Be careful not to hand anyone scissors or a knife directly because that’ll lead to trouble. Put them down on a surface and let people pick them up. If someone gifted you a knife or scissors don’t worry, just take out a coin and give it to them and your friendship should be right on track again.

So in short, knock on wood, be careful with that wet head and wear slippers… When in Turkey, do as the Turks do.

I'm an aspiring author and stand up comic who can be found at Istanbul's Take Me Up The Bosphorus stand up comedy nights. I grew up in Syria and have so far lived in 5 countries and three continents. My main objective in life is to make as many people laugh as possible whilst sharing knowledge. I read philosophy and science fiction more than anything else. Check out my blog where I share random thoughts, poems, philosophical ideas, and short stories. You can also catch my podcast where I discuss social issues .


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