İş Sanat Launches 20th Season

İş Sanat has launched its 20th season, with the Borusan Philharmonic, under the baton of Thomas Rösner and featuring the young virtuoso Demirhan Gokbudak, with a program of Brahms, Mendelssohn and Prokofiev.

Over the years, İş Sanat has become synonymous with the highest caliber of music. It features performances across a spectrum, and is particularly celebrated for hosting soloists, ensembles and orchestras of world renown. Unforgettable performances of earlier seasons have included Joshua Bell and Academy of St. Martin in the Fields; Yo-Yo Ma and Kathryn Scott; the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra featuring Hillary Hahn; the Filarmonia de Camara de Valencia featuring Sarah Chang, and Patricia Kopatchinskaja with the Bavarian Chamber Orchestra and Augustin Diassera; Maxim Vengerov with the Polish Chamber Orchestra; and Vienna Chamber Orchestra with the amazing Valentina Lisitsa.

Tickets are selling fast for the rest of the season, highlights from which include the Orchestra Royal de Chambre de Wallnonie (Dec 3rd) with Muhiddin Dürrüoğlu and Roman Leleu on the piano and trumpet;  the Mahler Chamber Orchestra (December 13th) under the baton of Maestro François-Xavier Roth with piano, horn and tympani solos;  the Europa Galante Baroque Ensemble (Feb 17th) featuring mezzo soprano Vivia Genaux; and the world-renowned Camerate Royal Concertgebouw (March 10th) under the baton of and featuring pianist Behzod Abduraimov; and the Tiflis Symphonic Orchestra (April 7th) with Şefika Kutluer as the solo flutist.  And of course, there will be the highly anticipated New Year’s Gala, to sell out within days. This season’s gala will take place on Friday, 8:30 p.m., on January 3rd, 2020.

Additionally, as always, there will also be performances across genres, including “world music,” jazz, and “local projects.”  Performances in these categories include West African and Latin Jazz artist Omar Sosa, The Olga Pericet Flamenco Dance Ensemble (Feb 29th), Fado star Antoni Zambujo (Jan 24th), and Turkish music veteran Özdemir Erdoğan.

Ticket prices typically range between 50, 70 and 100 TL for world music, jazz, and local artists; 80, 120 and 180 TL for international orchestras; and cost 75, 100, 150 TL and 200 TL for the Johann Strauss Gala.

A limited number of 20 TL student tickets are available for all concerts.

Additionally, students, teachers, patrons over 65 years of age, and employee or retirees of İş Bank receive a 10% discount for Category 3 tickets.

İşSanat also hosts the Kibele Art Gallery at the ground level of the performance hall, and exhibitions can be visited free of charge every weekday.

Tickets can be purchased on Biletix, directly from the ticket booth at the İş Towers, and through links via İş Sanat. You can keep up with them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Images courtesy of the organizer.

Melis is a fusion of cultures and nationalities. Born in Riyadh to Turkish parents, she grew up in the international, expat, and largely American community of Riyadh. She moved on to live also in the States, Italy, Belgium, and Malta, and has been a resident of Istanbul since 2004. She has a passion for music, fine arts, and the planet! She is a freelance journalist of classical music, and also runs the Faceboook page The Stage Cat where she shares news of classical concerts, events, festivals, and interviews.


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