Eastgerman Food Night @ Komşu Kafe Collective

Komşu Kafe Collective will host an Eastgerman Food Night on Friday 18 May. The food will be served at 19:30. You can pay as much as you like for the meal, there is no fixed price.

From the organizer:

On Friday 18 May, we are preparing a variety of Eastgerman meals that will make your tummy happy and satisfied. Come and bring all your friends!

Kartoffelbrei, Sauerkraut und Leipziger Allerlei mit veganer Bratwurst und Zwiebelsosse
Rote Grütze mit Vanillesosse zum Nachtisch

We will have a cucumber salad with dill. As the main dish, we are happy to serve you a fried vegan sausage, mashed potatoes with onion sauce, along with a Leipzig style vegetable medley or the infamous sour Kraut (cabbage), specially imported for you.
The desert will be a sort of red fruit pudding with homemade vanilla sauce.

For more information, be sure to check out this article on Komşu Kafe and keep up with the official Facebook event.

Phone:(0216) 418 46 79
Address: Uzun Hafız Sk, 83/A – Kadıköy

Image courtesy of the organizer.

Milena is studying as an Erasmus exchange student in Istanbul. She loves to explore new cultures and enjoys the life in Istanbul. Some of her passions are sustainability, veganism, travelling and Yoga.


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