Forró a la Turca Party @ Arsen Lupen

The first Forró a la Turca Party to be held in Istanbul will be accompanied by Brazilian DJ Enrique Matos as a part of the Forró a la Turca Festival 2018. Arsen Lüpen will have the Brazilian breeze in Taksim for one night.

Enrique Matos was born in Minas Gerais, where he lived until 2008. As a Forró researcher since his young ages, he knew he had to do something bigger to bring Forró to the rest of the world. He moved to Portugal in 2008 with a conviction and a dream – to develop and improve the Portuguese Forró movement. He started to play Forró in bars, and a year later, he started to DJ and give Forró classes in several places in Lisbon. He created his own Forró Center in Lisbon – Espaço Baião, a Brazilian center in the city centre where you can dance and learn about Forró and Brazilian culture. One of Enrique’s biggest projects is the infamous ‘Baião in Lisboa Festival’, a Forró festival that has taken place every year in Lisbon since 2011.

You will love this joyful music and dance, which has developed in the north east of Brazil and spread rapidly to Europe over the last years. If you want to learn the dances before the party, you can visit the festival website and get the details.

Entrance fee for the party on 12th of August Sunday is 30 TL. It is free for Forro a la Turca Festival Full Pass and Party Pass owners.

Check the official website for festival tickets and keep up to date with the official facebook event page.

Selcen is an avid globetrotter and Istanbul based editor. She has a BA in American Literature, an MA in Cultural Management and likes reading about travel, food, arts & cultures. Always on the look-out for her next adventure, Selcen’s dream is to keep exploring the world, pen, paper and camera in hand.


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