10 Steps to a Unique New Year’s Eve House Party

Editor's Note: With NYE around the corner, most of us are still trying to plan this year's celebrations. We thought Meredith's post from 2014 (still as...

Travelling to Turkey with Pets 101

Moving is a big deal. The whole process of packing your items and shifting from one place to another is tiring and time-consuming. Relocating...

Turkish Residence Permit: Frequently Asked Questions

Getting your residence permit can seem like a massive undertaking, especially if you're unclear of certain steps along the way or have your own...

Istanbul Basics: Opening a Bank Account in Turkey

There are several reasons why residents of Istanbul need a Turkish bank account - the most obvious being that it is required for most residence permit...

3, 2, 1, Let’s Run Istanbul!

I am one of those people who never liked running. When I was younger I hated even the thought of it. After I moved to...

A Beginner’s Guide to Turkish Hip Hop, by Ege Çubukçu

As a follow-up to our interview with rapper and all-round nice guy of Turkish hip-hop, Ege Çubukçu, we asked him to put together a playlist for those...

I Wake Up Torn

“If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise in...

Weekend Getaway: Xanthi & Thessaloniki (Part 2)

Part 2 focuses on Thessaloniki, Greece and is a continuation of part 1. After another three hours of driving, our next stop was Thessaloniki. We checked in...

Southern Excursion: Turunç

Waking to the smell of jasmine growing outside my window and having a chorus of birds coax me out of bed, I feel welcomed...

University Guide: Boğaziçi University

Boğaziçi University, commonly shortened to BU, was founded in 1863 as Robert College and is the first American higher education institution founded outside of the...

Cheap Thrills in Rumeli Hisarı and Bebek

Boğaziçi University -- It has to have one of the most beautiful campuses in Turkey. With its American-style campus buildings, many of which are constructed out...

Weekend Getaway: Xanthi & Thessaloniki (Part 1)

Part 1 focuses on Xanthi, Greece. Part 2 focuses on Thessaloniki. Our family loves travelling. Whenever we have such an opportunity we always use it. We’ve been to lots...

University Guide: Istanbul University

Istanbul University (İstanbul Üniversitesi) is the oldest and one of the most prominent universities in Turkey, having been established in 1453 first as a...

University Guide: Bilgi University

Istanbul Bilgi University, known to most as simply "Bilgi", is a private, liberal-arts university founded in 1994. Bilgi is frequently ranked as one of...

University Guide: Istanbul Ticaret University

Istanbul Ticaret University is a private university founded in 2001 by the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce. It is considered as one of the top three private...

8 study spots in Beyoğlu

The end of this semester is approaching quickly. Along with it, come final projects, papers, tests, presentations, and a number of other things, which...

University Guide: Sabancı University

Sabancı University is a private institution founded in 1994 with a focus on education, research and design. The university is known for its...

University Guide: Bahçeşehir University (BAU)

Bahçeşehir University (Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi), often shortened to BAU, is a private college founded in 1998 and located on the European side of Istanbul. The...

İslam Araştırma Merkezi ISAM – A Researcher’s Paradise

The constant crowds and the endless rushing can sometimes make Istanbul feel like the least conducive city for study. What's more, the never ending...

Take 5: Kuzguncuk

Housing some of Istanbul's oldest churches and synagogues, Kuzguncuk historically was a cosmopolitan mix of Ottoman Istanbul's many cultures. Today, although a little more homogeneous, it...

Zululuzu, Portuguese Theatre’s Turkish Debut

                They spoke to me of people, and of humanity. But I've never seen people, or humanity. I've seen various people, astonishingly dissimilar, Each separated from the next...

University Guide: Istanbul Şehir University

Istanbul Şehir University is a private, non-profit university founded in 2008. In a few short years the university has already made a name for itself...

Levantine Lessons: Discovering Syria in Istanbul

“Light is more important than the lantern, The poem more important than the notebook” ― Syrian poet, Nizar Qabbani To the general public, Syria has become...

Tackling Turkish Tinder: 15 First Dates

Everybody’s doing it. Or so I’d been told. Acutely aware of the boundaries imposed by my inherent shyness, clumsiness and geriatric bedtime, I’ve never...