Our Hearts Go Out to Soma

It has been incredibly tragic day; the deaths of those workers in the Soma mine seem so senseless, we've been having a hard time...

Confessions of a Dumbphone Devotee

Thus with a text, I die. If any spark of life be yet remaining amongst Dumbphone owners in this developéd world, it will by...

Art Appreciation on the Istanbul Metro

Death is lurking, and able to strike trepidation into the hearts of the most sanguine of us wherever and however we live. Istanbul is...

Top 10 Best Things About Living in Taksim

I lived in Mecidiyeköy for my first few months in Istanbul. That part of town is interesting in its own right, and it was...

Top 10 Worst Things About Living in Taksim

Up until last year I was a happy man, a contented man, living in that commercial hub cum residential suburb of Bakırköy. Bakırköy’s unique...

25 Eco-Signs You Live in Turkey

Living in Istanbul comes with many joys alongside many compromises. If you are the kind of person who tries to lead a green life,...

Turkey’s trek to reducing greenhouse gas emissions

This article was adapted from Yesilist.com Turkey is constantly being nudged to get on board with the worldwide trend to reduce emissions and pursue renewable energy...

Permaculture: A Growing Trend in Istanbul

By Abdelrahman Mahmoud Permaculture. Does the word ring any bells? If yes, and you are already well acquainted with the concept, then hold on a minute...