We asked for your cat photos for Yabangee’s first ever Istanbul Cat Photo Contest, and boy, did you ever deliver. It was difficult to narrow down the hundreds of cat-tastic, purrfect photos, but after much deliberation and arguing over the exact composition of the perfect kitty pic, we’ve arrived at the FINAL 10, dum, dum, dum. Take a look through the finalists, listed below in no particular order, and vote for your favorite in the poll at the bottom of the page.
Voting will remain open until Sunday 15 February. A huge thank you again to everyone who entered! If you are ever feeling gloomy, search for the hashtag #ygCatContest on Instagram, and your day will be made. And be on the look out for posts of our runner ups via @yabangee.
1. @aniontheroad
2. Cihangir… Cool for Cats
3. @harahus
4. @moetakingflight
5. @ohsevendays

6. @pinarvurucu
7. @taratw
8. @miljamariia
9. @alimanco
10. @avokadoblue
[polldaddy poll=8629257]