Rahşan Düren’s installation “E-Motions” and her exhibition “X-Tensions”, parallel events to the 14th Istanbul Biennial, are on display at the Haydarpaşa Train Station from 14 May until 1 November. Entrance is free.

From the organizer:
Dr. Rahşan Düren (MD) was born in Flensburg, Germany, in 1975. After completing primary and high school education in Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, Düren studied medicine at Koln University and History of Art, Philosophy, and Political Sciences at RWTH Aachen. She completed her residency in Adult Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey. Düren held a fellowship in Neuroscience at MUSC, South Carolina. Dr. Düren served at the Psychiatry Unit of the American Hospital, Istanbul.
Dr. Düren’s scientific and artistic projects include:
Installation/Vernissage, Zorlu Performing Arts Center, Istanbul, September 2015
Institute of Clinical Neuroscience, Harvard Medical School
Berenson Allen Center – Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, October 2015
For more information, visit her website.