Editor’s Note: This piece was first published in 2015, and was most recently updated in May of 2022.
Important Note: The Covid-19 pandemic had a dramatic effect on processing times and procedures in regards to residence permits. We now advise everyone to always keep up to date with announcements via the official government site.
Also important to note that some applicants are receiving little notice on in-person appointments (some with less than 24 hour notice provided). We recommend preparing your documentation as promptly as possible to avoid any last-minute issues.
Additionally: If for any reason you would prefer to work with an agency to complete your residence permit application process, we are partnered with experts in the field. You can inquire via help@yabangee.com and we’ll put you in touch.

First things first: who exactly needs a residence permit? Anyone who enters Turkey as a tourist can usually stay for up to 90 days without a residence permit. If you plan to stay longer than that, you need it. Otherwise, you will pay a fine when you leave the country and be barred from Turkey for some time. It’s best to make your appointment as soon as you have decided to stay in Turkey. If you’d like assistance with obtaining your residence permit or any legal related matters, contact us via legal@yabangee.com.
Types of Permits:
Short-term Residency: For anyone not married to a Turkish citizen and living in Turkey for less than eight years. As of 2022 first time applicant are only granted six months of stay. Longer durations can be requested, but length of permit validity varies (renewals tend to be given for up to two years). That said, as of January 2020, many countries are no longer eligible to renew short-term permits for touristic purposes. Additionally as of May 2022, individuals may not apply for residency in the areas listed here.
Long-term Residency: For anyone not married to a Turkish citizen and living in Turkey for at least eight years without interruption. Indefinite validity.
Family Residency: For those married to a Turkish citizen and/or foreign minors dependent on a Turkish citizen or a residence permit holder.
Student Residency: For those studying in associate’s, bachelor’s or graduate degree programs in Turkey.
The following steps apply largely to short-term residence permits. We advise those applying for student residence permits to consult with their university about the most up-to-date requirements.
1) Get your tax ID number. You will need this number to open a bank account and get insurance. You can do this either online or in person. To do it online go to https://ivd.gib.gov.tr and on the İnteraktif Vergi Dairesi Hızlı Ödeme menu click ‘APPLICATION FOR NON-CITIZEN’S POTENTIAL TAX NUMBER’, complete the form and add a photo of your passport.
To do it in person, look online to find the nearest tax office (vergi dairesi) and go there with your passport. Tell them “Vergi numarası başvurusu yapmak isterim.” They will help you write a short petition called a dilekçe, which is a formal requirement for them to do anything for you. Sign it and they will produce a little card with your tax ID number written on it. When getting your tax number, bring a photocopy of your passport photo and information page with your father’s name, mother’s name, Istanbul address, email and phone number written on it.
2) Get your insurance. The easiest and most affordable way to fulfill this requirement is to get a private insurance plan that you pay in one shot. All insurance companies offer a special plan specially designed for the residence permit that meets all of the requirements. The plans range greatly for one year of coverage depending on the insurance company, your age and a number of other factors, so shop around. Coverage will vary, but a price increase on health insurance is the result of improved coverage compared to prior years. Expect to pay around 700 -1750 TL for health insurance for one full year. Yabangee has partnered up with a reliable agency to offer affordable packages to our readership, so if interested, you can fill out the form here or click the image.
Get a color copy of your policy OR a black-and-white copy that is stamped and signed by the insurance agent issuing it to you. Ensure the dates on your insurance policy cover a full year (your residence permit will end one day before your insurance coverage does). Additionally, the policy should include the following statement: Işbu poliçe 06.06.2014 tarih ve 9 sayılı Ikamet Izni Taleplerinde Yaptırılacak Özel Sağlık Sigortalarına Ilişkin Genelge’ de belirlenen asgari teminat yapısını kapsamaktadır.
Note: If receiving your insurance through our partners, they will have already ensured the above steps are met.
3) Get your biometric picture taken to ICAO standards. You will need to scan and attach it to your application. You will also need to provide four hard copies of the photos. Go to any photo studio and tell them you need a vesikalık, which is basically a passport photo. It is important to mention ICAO standards, as in November of 2020, they implemented stricter guidelines on photo submissions. (If your photographer is Turkish, you can direct him to the Turkish guidelines here.) Ensure that your digital copy matches your physical copy.
4) Apply online and print out your application forms. Go to www.goc.gov.tr and click on the e-ikamet link towards the middle of the page. Click on first application and the type of residence permit you wish to obtain (most people will select short term, but if you are a student, are married to a Turk or have lived here for eight years continuously, see below). After you fill out the application forms, you will be able to download PDF copies of your documents. Save and print them in color. (Their computer system is notoriously unreliable, so be sure you save immediately and keep someplace safe.)
Note: In larger cities like Istanbul, appointments can be difficult to obtain, and when an appointment does become available, it can be anywhere from literally the next day to a couple of months later. Be prepared ahead of time.
Note 2: It would appear that black and white copies of application forms have been accepted for members of our community.
5) Pay the fees. As of 2022, the fees are 160TL for the residence permit card and 1040 TL the residency permit for most countries, however prices do vary. After concluding your application, there is the option to pay with a Turkish credit card. Or, go to https://ivd.gib.gov.tr, on the İnteraktif Vergi Dairesi Hızlı Ödeme menu click Harç ve Değerli Kağıt Bedeli Ödeme. On the menu that pops up click Göç İdaresi İkamet Tezkeresi Harç Ödeme (should be on your bottom left). Enter the application number ‘Başvuru numarası/ Tahakkuk numarası’ provided to you after applying for your residence permit and you will be directed to the online payment service. If you prefer to do it in person you can go to Ziraat Bank, Halk Bank or Vakıflar Bank and tell them “İkamet harçları yattırmak istiyorum.” This means, “I want to deposit residence permit fees.” The codes needed for this payment are 9192 and 9233. Your fee will be listed in dollars on your documents and the bank will convert it to a lira amount for you. They only accept TL. You also have to pay for the physical card. Say, “Kart harcı da yattırmak istiyorum.” The code needed for this payment is 9207. This is deposited by the bank, as well, and you will get a separate receipt for it. Alternatively, many of the larger tax offices also process these fees.
Note: Not all banks are totally familiar with this procedure, so it is important that you bring your documents with you to the bank. Fees vary depending on length of stay requested and country of origin.
Note 2: The online payment system often simply does not work after concluding your application. When possible, leave enough time for the possibility of needing to pay in person.
6) Consider opening a bank account and putting money in it. It would appear that this requisite isn’t often applied, but we suggest completing it if you plan to stay for a while. At the discretion of your appointed officer, you may be requested to present proof of financial stability for the past six months. While this is from older versions of our guide, we’ve kept the following step just in case:
The Turkish government wants foreign residents to demonstrate that they have enough money to live on during their stay. Although the exact amount is not specified on the Migration Department website, it is thought to be US$500 for each month of stay. This is what the amount was during the time that the police managed the system. You have to have that money in a Turkish bank account around one week before your appointment.
When the money is in your account, present your bankbook and your ID to the bank teller and say, “Hesap dökümü isterim” or “I would like a printout of my account statement.” Then ask them to stamp it: “Kaşeleyebilir misiniz?”
Note: Slips from exchange offices used to be accepted instead of bank statements, but this is no longer the case.
7) Provide notarized proof of address. Once you’ve received your rental contract, take it to a noter, which are prevalent throughout all provinces in Turkey and in every neighborhood of Istanbul. As of 2022, you are required to have your landlord also notarize the contract. Your landlord needs to be present with you at the notary to notarise your contract (or in some cases it can be done separately). You will need a copy of the numarataj and deed (tapu) as a proof of address. Your landlord should already have these so simply just make a copy of them.
Note: If you have utility bills in your name, it can be helpful to include in your application.
Note 2: For first time applications, it is extremely important to make sure your accommodation is not located within the restricted neighborhoods and districts of Turkey. They will not grant new residence permits to those located in these areas.
What if my name is not on the lease? Go to a notary with whoever has signed your apartment lease, whether they be a Turkish person or a foreigner. This person will ask for a taahütname, a document verifying that you live with them. He/she must present a valid ID to the notary. Notary prices vary, but you can expect to pay 450 TL at most for this document.
Keep in mind: If the person on the lease is a foreigner, your residency permit can only be valid for as long as his/her residency permit is valid. Moreover, for a foreigner to grant you a taahütname, he/she must present a notarized translation of his/her passport to the notary. Also, this often seems to confuse whoever is assigned to your appointment, so if you have the option, we suggest you avoid using another foreigner.
Reminder: As of July 2022, individuals may not apply for residency in the areas listed here.
8) Include other documents. Photocopy the front page of your passport (with a certified Turkish translation if it is in non-Latin letters), a photocopy of your most recent entry stamp and your previous residence permit (if you have one).
Note: Check the back pages of your application document to ensure that no miscellaneous documents have been included. Your official application includes a list of everything required for submission, so make sure you’ve met all these requisites.
Whatever you do, do NOT fake your documents or make false statements on your application. The Turkish government will take legal action against you in accordance with Article 206 of Turkish Penal Code No. 5237, your residence permit application will be refused, your current residence permit will be cancelled and could also be deported from Turkey.
9) Go to your appointment. Appointments for first-time applicants are now taken at a number of locations in Istanbul. The exact time and date will be sent to you via text message or e-mail. Here are the locations according to the poster at the Migration Office:
Beşiktaş, Sarıyer, Kağıthane, Şişli, Beyoğlu—Gönenoğlu Sokak No: 10, Gayrettepe
Beylikdüzü, Büyükçekmece, Esenyurt—Yakuplu Mahallesi, Hürriyet Bulvarı No: 18, Hükümet Konağı, Beylikdüzü
Kadıköy, Üsküdar—Bahariye Caddesi, Kuzu Kestane Sokak, No: 1, Kadıköy
Please note that Turkish nationals can only accompany foreigners into the building if their names are listed on the taahütname for their rental contract or if they have a notarized power of attorney (vekâletname). Don’t expect the staff to speak much English.
Anyone entering the building has to show an original passport or valid residence/work permit.
10) Follow up. You will get a text message when your card has been shipped from Ankara. The “Residence Card Query” link on the home page of the immigration office directs you to the post office website, where you can track your card’s delivery.
Note: This process can take a long time, so we advise that you don’t plan travel abroad in this time.
How do I apply for an extension?
Everything is the same except:
- Now you have a foreigner ID number to use instead of the tax ID number.
- You must now include a letter of intent (within the form) in Turkish stating your reasons for continuing to stay. There is no clear answer as to what they’re particularly considering in these letters, nor what impact it has on your chances for renewal.
- As of January 2020, it seems renewals for ‘touristic’ purposes are denied with the exception of a few countries.
Make sure to apply for you extension before your permit expires! You can apply as early as 60 days prior to the expiration date.
What if I am switching to a new permit type?
If you want to change the type of permit you have (from short-term to long-term, etc.) you have to apply as a new applicant, which means you have to make an appointment.
If you have any additional questions, be sure to check out our frequently asked questions.
What if my application is rejected for some reason?
If you feel you’ve met the requirements above and still receive a rejection, you can appeal the decision and take the case to court. Contact us via legal@yabangee.com for assistance.
What if I want to hire someone to help me with this process?
If for any reason you would prefer to work with an agency to complete your residence permit application process, we are partnered with experts in the field. You can inquire via help@yabangee.com and we’ll put you in touch.
What have been your experiences applying for a residence permit, either for the first time or as a renewal? We’d love to hear it in the comments.
Did we miss an update or get something wrong? Please let us know via help@yabangee.com.
Disclaimer: This is not legal advice and should not be construed as such. Yabangee does not accept liability or responsibility for any action taken based on this advice. Basically, folks, this is our collected wisdom to help guide you in this process. If you have a unique situation, it’s probably best to consult a lawyer.
I was out of the country this summer and my permit expired. When I re-entered Turkey (Istanbul) I got a visa stamp, but I am not sure which link to apply to now….the first time link or the re-newal link???…I don’t want to get fined. Any suggestions?
You gave nothing to renew as your rp expired, you have to apply as first time
How do I renew my permit?
KADIKOY residents: Ziraat Bankasi handles the payment for the card (55 TL), but you have to pay the residence permit fee at the tax office (Vergi Dairesi) in Bostanci, just near the Bostanci metro stop (again, only in Turkish Lira, dollars not accepted). At least, that was my experience today, Oct 30 2015 – it is always changing, but for now that seems to be the way. By the way, when you go to Ziraat Bankasi to pay for the card, remember to bring your tax number – that’s how they enter your payment into the system. Dayla, thanks for a great article!
what happens when one wants to extend the resident permit after it has expired by 2 months. what is the process and how much fine will have to be paid. please can anyone help ?
You gave to apply as first time application
What if I changed my phone number since my application went through? How would I check on the status of my residence permit i.e. where it is/ when I can pick it up?
You can check that on e-ikamet.goc.gov.tr; first you chose the box with type of RP you applied for, then this box that says that you want to Chek your RP status; you need to fill the required info and it gives you info on your RP progress… Now don’t panic if it tells you it couldn’t find application with your data, system gets confused sometimes, just try different info combinations and also use Internet Explorer (it doesn’t work well with chrome or Mozilla)
Dear I tried to check the status of my on going application on the official website.but there I couldn’t find any relavent form to fill for status check .I click the box having option RP type I applied but it’s not leading to any fillable box .Please help me in this case
Hi I am from Pakistan. Came in turkey on e-visa .I applied for the residence permit by submitting the application on 31/8/2018.in how much time they will reply me .and how can i check the status of my application.
And another thing they didn’t ask me for my financial stability like bank statement .does it has a negative affect on my application.
Anyone can visit and obtain the Residency ?
Hi, i brought new foto’s like the one on my passport, they told me the pictures were to small so bring pictures bigger than normal passport pics. From everything you bring make a copy for yourself.. And don’t forget to keep smiling even it’s the 15 time you go there and everytime you have to take or pay something else.
thank you for all the details it’s so helpful
How long does it take for the ikamet card to arrive to your registerd address and what happens if your outside country when your card arrives.
You should add that your Tax ID document has to be signed and stamped. Banks don’t accept otherwise and you can’t open an bank account. Also most banks can’t open account even it stamped, we could only manage to open in İş Bank and you should go to near bank of your documented address in Tax ID. BTW monthly 1500 TL (currently around 500$) is requested ( when you fill the form you can see in the form “minimum wage-1500” )
It seems to me that there are 13 steps, not 11…
It does seem that way… must be the stress of the whole process. =P Anyway, thanks for pointing it out. We’ve fixed it.
for the monthly income (600$ a month) does income from a job count? I am planning to move and have a job arranged but need the residency visa before being able to apply for a work visa.
If you have a job arranged your employer should apply for work permit before you come to Turkey
Yes! I finally have my meeting scheduled. Took me a while to get trough. In my enthusiasm and hurry I noticed I made small mistakes on my application form (the PDF) I got in the end. Anyway I can change those?
If you printed your application you can not change it anymore, if there are small mistakes the officer at your appointment can change them for you; but if they are major you should cancel your application and start over
This article is one of the most thorough I’ve read recently. FINALLY – and thank you! However, I was struggling (and stressing) about the order to complete everything in. May I recommend what I did last week when I renewed my residence permit.
Complete the following before filling out the form:
1. Renew insurance
2. Take new ikamet photos (not passport – they’re different), you need biometric + 2 printed
(Before filling out and printing out the form I recommend completing 1-4.)
3. Proof of residence
4. Bank statement (to prove sufficient funds)
5. Complete and print out the form
6. Make two separate payments and receive two receipts
7. Make copies of: passport, last entry in passport and current residence permit to mail in. Make copies of: insurance, proof of residence, bank statement, form, payment receipts for your own records, since you will mail in all original copies.
8. Mail in: insurance, two ikamet photos, proof of residence, bank statement, completed and signed form, two receipts, copy of passport and last entry in passport and copy of current residence permit.
If you hold an EGYPTIAN passport, you will be required to bring a letter from the Egyptian consulate stating your Last/Family name. This is a frequent requirements for applicants with Egyptian passports.
Can I apply for a residence permit for a tourist when I have entered Turkey? Or do I need to apply for an appointment at the Turkish consulate in my current city BEFORE travelling to Turkey?
You can definitely apply while in Turkey. I don’t think you can apply from your home country.
Thank you for the useful info. i am guessing that getting clearance from the court for criminal records is for first time applicants, not extension applications by post?
Actually, it’s a requirement for renewal applicants, as well.
The sabıka kaydı form is now obtained outside the court house. There’s a special window to the right of the main entrance where you get it now. You don’t have to even go inside.
I would like to know,
is it necessary to have money on our account in dollars $$?
I am planning to deposit and show balance in EURO, in same amount.
Is it accepted?
Short term RP can now be 2 years long; but you need to find insurance company that provides this kind of insurance – so far there are three insurance companies that can do that, but the one you promote here doesn’t (as far as I’m concerned)
We contacted the insurance group we’re promoting and can confirm that they do offer two-year plans for longer permit applications.
Those whom own property,how can they apply for residency and for how long?
When applying first time for tourist RP for self and spouse+3 children, do we need to show bank account statement for funds of $500 for each member?
$500×5persons=$2500 ×12months =$30,000. ?
If we apply for RP of 2 years then do we need to show funds for 24 months in all or can show for just 12months.
This is an excellent question, but not 100% sure on the answer. We’d suggest contacting 157 and asking. If you’d like to share their answer with us, we can also include it in the frequently asked questions. Best of luck!
We had to leave the country before our actual ikamet cards arrived in the mail. We told the office this and they said they would hold the cards for us at their office. Now there is a visa freeze and we need those cards to get in! Can a friend lick them up for us, do you know??
Hi Liz. Sorry for the delayed response, but as far as we know, this wouldn’t work. You could try contacting the official help line here (157) and seeing if they could make an exception or direct you to the right person.
if it is possible to get Long-term Residency via purchasing apartment?
if your answer is yes ,after how many years?
thanks for your attention.
As far as we know, the purchasing of an apartment has no bearing on your ability to get a residence permit aside from having a place to list as where you’re living. If you learn otherwise, please do let us know. Thanks so much.
If you are a property owner you must obtain a Tasinmaza Ait Tapu Kaydi document from your servicing Tapu office (for Izmir it is in Alsancak). Just the Tapu (Title Deed) apparently is no longer enough proof you own a house. You take your Tapu (Title Deed) and Passport (don’t forget), then they text you a 12 digit code you show to a bank and pay the fee (I paid 9.30 TL. I had to go to 3 banks before their “system” allowed me to pay). Take the payment receipt back to the Tapu office and you get your document.
This is really valuable information. Thank you!
I posted my resident permit for more than 1month and 2weeks but I have not seen it but my friend that posted with me has seen his own plz what can be the problem
You could try calling 157 and see if they have any details. If not, we’d suggest going to your place of appointment and see if there’s an issue.
I want to rent a house and my friend wants to stay with me. We both are foreigners. My name appeared to be stated in the lease. You wrote that “If the person on the lease is a foreigner, your residency permit can only be valid for as long as his/her residency permit is valid. Moreover, for a foreigner to grant you a taahütname, he/she must present a notarized translation of his/her passport to the notary.”
Is my original passport enough for the notary or I should translate it to Turkish? If so, where should I translate it? Turkey or my country? Finally, if it does in Turkey, how much does it cost to translate?
It depends on the original language of the passport. In general, most Turkish notaries have someone in-house or adjacent that can provide translation services, you just need to ask.
I heard that some tourists’ Ikamet applications are being rejected at the Goc Idaresi. How valid is that?
I also heard that some e-visas were denied at Ataturk airport. The yabanci hotline (157) is no longer in service.
Please advise.
As far as we know, the Idaresi’s computer system faced some major issues in the past week, which has resulted in a total shutdown for the past few days. We would assume that much of the resulting panic is simply a result of this. If 157 isn’t working, it’s likely that they’re receiving too many calls from people unable to book appointments, and have therefore temporarily closed the line. We’ll update if we here otherwise.
Hello everyone
I arrived in Istanbul 31/12/2017.
My family and I applied for a years residency which was rejected, due to no proof of income( I was told by the office I applied through that I’d be informed if any paperwork was missing and be given a month to supply said paperwork!).
We must now leave the country. My question is how long do I have to stay out of the country before I can reenter on a new tourist visa?
I know I can’t reapply for a tourist residency again for 6 months.
My other question is how much is the fine for over staying the 3 months tourist visa per day?
This is a very helpful link and I thank you for your efforts(wish I’d read it before I got in this mess!!!)
Hi David,
Unfortunately, it seems to be a very uncertain time for residency permit applications in general. This is the first we’ve heard of them not honoring the 30 days regarding missing paperwork for the already established requisites, so that’s a bad omen as well. Wish you all didn’t have to experience it firsthand.
As far as we know, the minimum you would need to stay overseas is in fact the six-month period. For overstay fees, you are supposedly granted a brief overstay window (around a week or so) and the fined for each day of your overstay. We don’t know of an updated total, but the last person on our team to have to pay for a month of overstay stated they were obligated to pay less than 100 TL (but in cash). If we get more trustworthy figures, we’ll get back to you.
Hi I’m from Somalia moved to Istanbul I make an appointment so my appointment missed for personal problem and I come for education visa what happens can I make another appointment like first time I make an appointment or can they take a penalty help me please
Is it possible to apply for Turkish Residency Permit outside Turkey. I mean when we are staying outside Turkey & Applying for the residence visa for the first time.
after finishing my resisdence permit as tourist ..
Can i re-apply for second resisdence..
As far as we know, they’re still accepting renewal applications, but the requisites are harder and they are declining a good number of them.
If you apply for the e-resident and post it by pTT they give you receipt after having 20 days can you visit your country without paying any over stay at the airport with that receipt
Hi, Im applying for a student permit in Ankara and I just need to print the form but I need to take an appointment to do that first and it’s not letting me take an appointment, it just gives me this error message: “Şuan tüm randevular dolu olduğu için daha sonra tekrar denemeniz gerekmektedir. Not : Randevular, bugün itibariyle 90 gün içinde seçim yapılabilir.” Is there any way I can print it without first taking an appt.? My uni told me the appt. date I take doesn’t matter anyways cause they handle some stuff regarding the residence permit but I can’t seem to take one at all. Some people have said that switching to the Turkish version of the website helps with some other technical faults but it hasn’t in my case. How can I print my form?
Hello ,
I applied for family residence permit. I received a ID card a week after I applied, but still do not have the visa. Can I go out of Turkey more than one time while I am waiting the residence permit ?
Thank You !
“8) Register your address. Take your rental agreement OR a utility bill in your name (Make sure it’s electricity, water, gas. Internet probably won’t count) ”
As a foreigner, I registered my address today (Oct 2018) in completley new building with notarized rental contract and internet (Turk telekom) print-out from online services (info on my abonement). I am still not able to open water/electricity account because building is new and first two months it is included in aydat. So, in general, Nufus is fine. First time I went, I had only notarized contract but no utility bill. They said internet will be fine (but I still have no e-fatura yet – just signed the contract). By the way, my new address is in Kadikoy disctrict, but I registered in Sisli disctrict Nufus (because it was convenient to go to this office today). There was no problem.
I have a few questions.
Though My country of orıgın ıs Pakistan as is the passport I applied through, However I have resided ın the Unıted States for the last 4 years on Green Card. And My US green card along wıth my Pakıstanı passport was what I used on my Vısa Applıcatıon.
1. When beıng asked to present certain documents such as health or crımınal record, whıch country do I present ıt from? Country of orıgın or the Country where I was for the last 6 months (US)?
2. I have a foreıgn bank account (Chase) wıth the requısıte amount ın ıt transferred by family. Do I need to open a turkish bank account before applying online even?
3. I wısh to stay here for long term (1 Year Atleast), Though I can fınancıally support myself, I may be workıng here too, employeed by a valid organısatıon, though they havent offered a work permit, ıs that ınformatıon worth mentıonıng or would ıt hamper my chances?
4. I was a student ın Istanbul also 5 years ago and had a student resıdence permit back then, though that has sınce expired, And Im not sure If I have the orıgınal document for ıt, ıs thıs gonna be a problem when applyıng agaın as fırst tımer?
I hope somebody can answer all these questıons for me and allevıate the stress. Thankyou
I am unable to get an appointment in their Ankara office, the portal says “Şuan tüm randevular dolu olduğu için daha sonra tekrar denemeniz gerekmektedir. Not : Randevular, bugün itibariyle 180 gün içinde seçim yapılabilir.” So, is there any way to get an appointment in another city, perhaps? Or any other work around this?
Hi, I am applying for the short term residence permit and have a few questions.
Do you have to have a Turkish bank account? I have 100k + USD in a US bank and don’t want to convert it to lira (because the lira is so volatile among other reasons).
Do you have to have health insurance via a Turkish provider? I am covered by a US insurance provider who covers me all across Turkey.
I applied for a 2-year residence permit and I paid the fee for two years to the Vergi Dairesi in istanbul.
But the officer in the randevu told me that he only accepts 1 year.
Now how can I get back the money I paid for the second year?
One year = 80 USD
Two year = 140 USD. I paid this.
I am in Iran.
I was one month ago at Turkey.(my documents are complete) . I want to apply online for randevu from Iran but some people say you must entrance to Turkey and in turkey apply. if you apply from abroad you will get randevu but government will refuse your application for short time resident!!!
which one is True?
Update re address certificate,told by Nufus on 28/05/2019 that they NO longer issue this,has to be obtained via the e government portal,use this link to access,
as usual,every year they change the rules,hopefully in future all the paperwork can be obtained on-line.
I have had my appointment about 50 days ago, so almost 2 months. I know it can take up to 3 months to receive your card, but when asking people around me or search the internet for peoples experiences in the length of getting their card, it usually never seems to take more than 30 days. My status still says: Under assessment. I am a bit confused about that.
I just want to know if there is anybody reading this who has actually also waited this long? Or should I try and appear again at the Göc Idaresi to ask about it?
It seems like to complete #9 you need to have your Kimlik Card. We visited the office in Kadikoy and were told to come back after we received our cards.
Also during our appointment, they barely asked for any documentation. Only insurance, photocopies of passport, notarized rental agreement and health insurance. I guess it was better to be prepared just in case! Thanks for this article, I found it very helpful.
Please email me.
I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to over the past 20 years.
Hello I did apply online but in my application recipe on the line of appointment date there is this : Randevu Tarihi GİGM Tarafından Belirlenecektir
Do you know when will I get an answer for a appointment date ?
Dear community,
I’m from Sweden and moved to Istanbul together with my girlfriend to join her for her exchange semester at the Istanbul Technical University. The 90/180 rule applies to me as a tourist, however, as I have been entering and exiting the country several times this year (and will at least 2 more times this year) I am not sure how to count and whether I will need a residence permit or not.
I already went here on April 18th for vacation and stayed for 11 days. On the 28th of August I came back to Turkey with my girlfriend for her school start, exited again for a week, and then came back again. I will leave again on the 28th of October and in total I will then have spent 67 days in Turkey (including the days in april). Thing is, if we count from 18th of April (my first entry) and 180 days onward, that period would end 14th of October.
Does this mean, that by my time of re-entry to Turkey (which will be on the 2d of November), a new 180 day period will start of which I can utilise another 90 days of stay on a tourist visa?
All the best,
Hi I’m from Somalia moved to Istanbul I make an appointment so my appointment missed for personal problem and I come for education visa what happens can I make another appointment like first time I make an appointment or can they take a penalty help me please
A great compilation of information for single non-property owners. Keeping this info up to date would be impossible, as rules change constantly. There are some things listed that I have not experienced (health check and criminal record check from home country are not required for short-term residency, for example).
Apparently in 2020 the rules will change again, as is being discussed in various forums. Supposedly residencies will only be extended if you are on a work permit, or married to Turkish, or a property owner, or a student. We will see……
I hope I get my residence permit, wish me luck!
thanks for the great overview!
Does any of you know: Is it important to pay the fees right away, in order to get the appointment? Or can I wait until I know the appointment date and then go to pay the fine?
You can pay the fees at any point after applying and before your appointment/submitting your materials via mail. As always, systems can be down, tax offices could be closed, etc. for any number of reasons, so we do encourage people to do it earlier rather than later.
Thanks for all of this excellent information. My case is slightly different, and doesn’t seem to be covered here. I have been living and working for 35 years in Turkey, and have a Turkish state pension. Does this change the procedures at all? Is there a special status for this type of application?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
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