(PAST EVENT) “Don’t Try at Home” @ Bahane Kültür

Akın Aytekin is on stage with “Dont Try at Home”, an English stand up show taking place on Sunday 3 June. Tickets are 30 TL and can be purchased at the door.

From the Organizer:

Don’t Try at Home is a journey that will take you from the backstreets of Diyarbakır to the fjords of Norway and then to the Bible-belt of the United States. Focusing mostly on culture shocks, the show helps you put yourself in the shoes of a 16-year-old as he gets on a plane from Diyarbakır to Norway to find himself in a completely different world of liberal thoughts and unforgiving rule of law.

In the second part of the show the room questions the oxymoron that is oil wrestling, questions who was the first person that got married or who it was that first got circumcised, or what the difference is between a relationship and a relationshit…

Tickets are 30 TL and can be purchased at the door.

For more information, be sure to keep up with the official event page.

Image courtesy of the organizer.

Selcen is an avid globetrotter and Istanbul based editor. She has a BA in American Literature, an MA in Cultural Management and likes reading about travel, food, arts & cultures. Always on the look-out for her next adventure, Selcen’s dream is to keep exploring the world, pen, paper and camera in hand.


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