Originally set up as a space for creative sustainability, over the past year, Closet Circuit has hosted a variety of projects including a unique project on waste in Istanbul – Museum of garbage as well as the recent exhibition- Sehir Ezmesi or City paste that explored through art and talks the impact of urban developments in Istanbul on our personal lives.

If you are looking to escape and indulge your creative side, look no further than Closet Circuit’s figure drawing classes. This little space hosts weekly figure drawing classes under the guidance of American artist Gabrielle Reeves. For more info on Gabby visit her website.

Every week, the class starts off with a brief intro by Gabby giving tips and tricks on what medium or technique will be explored. What follows is drawing session with a live model where students are free to draw the model within different time frames in order to better develop their eye and technique. The class is open to students of all levels and is a creative space to explore your artistic side with no limitations. Gabby is always on hand for any questions or moments of panic!

As a student myself, I have learned about portraits, hand and feet drawing, as well as how techniques can change depending on the color of paper used. Recently, I joined a series of workshops that explored the different techniques associated with watercolors and how this medium can be used to create figure as well as landscape drawings.

Overall an extremely enjoyable experience and a great way to spend a Tuesday evening. In the next few weeks, this space will reopen in their new headquarters in Kadikoy. Stay tuned for announcements on their website and facebook group regarding new class times and dates. Watch out for outdoor drawing sessions in Summer too!
Location: TBA
All photos by Tarana Suri.