Zorlu PSM will host Borknagar, an all-star Norwegian group pushing the boundaries of ‘traditonal’ black metal, set to perform on Thursday 25 August. Taking place at 100% Studio, doors are set to open at 20:00, with the performance starting at 21:00. Tickets are available via Biletix and more information is available via the official event page.
Borknagar are a group who are innovating black metal with a fusion of folk metal and progressive rock. Their songs discuss a wide array of topics such as nature, paganism, philosophy and the cosmos.
From the organizer:
%100 Metal proudly presents: Norwegian progressive black metal band Borknagar is at %100 Studio Stage for the first time in Turkey with its star ensemble cast!
For more information, check out the official event page.
Image sourced via event organizers.
Levazım, Koru Sokağı No:2, 34340 Beşiktaş/İstanbul