Connect for Creativity’s second networking conference will take place in Kayseri, Turkey between 5 to 6 December 2019 at Abdullah Gül University.
The conference will focus on creativity, cross-cultural competencies, and the role of higher education and creative industry partnerships in driving the further development of future education. We will explore why creativity and cross-cultural competency are among the 10 most important skills of the future? What is the role and contribution of higher education in creative economy? How can creative industries take an active role in the design and further development of future education?
The conference will bring together decision makers, thought leaders and experts from across Europe to explore the future of creativity, skills, workforce and culture. The two-day event will offer creative and cultural professionals an opportunity to exchange knowledge, ideas and experience to build dialogue and foster new collaborations through workshops, group discussions as well as keynotes and panels.
*Turkish-English simultaneous translation will be provided for the main conference programme. ‘Follow the Speaker’ sessions and workshops will be held in English.
How to participate
Conference can be attended free of charge, but registration is required.
*If you wish to participate in the conference at your own cost, please register here.
Open call for participation
We are currently running an open call for participation for all interested academics, artists, creatives and technologists, creative and cultural professionals and policy makers across the UK, Europe and Western Balkans.
Travel to and from Kayseri and up to 3 nights’ accommodation in Kayseri will be covered by the project. Any additional subsistence costs should be covered by the participants.
Deadline for applications is Sunday 27 October. Apply here.