Yabangee is pleased to have partnered with the great minds at VIA Pro for a “P’tit Déjeuner” on the morning of Wednesday 29 November. We’re calling all Francophones out there to join us for a French-only affair, complete with delicious food and some motivational talks from Catherine Trotin, speaking on marketing, and Marie Nuss-Bonneau speaking on coaching. The fun is set to take place at Bistro Français from 09:30 to 12:00, located in the French consulate on Istiklal. Space is limited, so you’ll want to be sure to RSVP here.
From the organizer:
VIA Pro vous invite à son 2ème P’tit déjeuner, le 29 Novembre, à partir de 09h30, au Bistrot Français (dans l’enceinte du Consulat de France, Taksim).
Venez à la rencontre de Catherine TROTIN, qui nous parlera de Marketing et Marie NUSS-BONNEAU, qui nous parlera de Coaching !
Evènement organisé en partenariat avec Yabangee.com ouvert à tous !
L’entrée est gratuite, mais chacun paie ses consommations.
For more information, be sure to follow the official Facebook event.
İstiklal Caddesi No:4 Fransız Konsolosluğu, 34435 Beyoglu